Worship Arts Notes

"All Saints" Day   

We will celebrate All Saints Day at Christ Methodist Church this Sunday, November 3, at our 10:30 morning worship service. All Saints Day has been a part of the Christian calendar since the 5th century and serves as a time for remembering and honoring those believers who have preceded us in death. However, it is more than a mere remembrance that dwells on the virtues of the dearly departed. Rather, its chief value is recognition of Christ’s work in their lives. During our All Saints Day worship service, we will honor loved ones who have died during the past year. Plan to worship with us on this very special occasion. The following loved ones have passed away since last year's All Saints Day:  

Harold Adair, Margaret Batley, John David, Jane Hartin, Joan Hinkle, Marianne Hutzler, Martha Long, Danny Massey, Olive Parsons, Gwen Sadler, James Snyder, Patrick Wolf.  

The author of this Sunday’s opening hymn “When We All Get To Heaven” is Eliza Hewitt.  Eliza, a schoolteacher in Philadelphia, was a Christian lay worker deeply devoted to the Sunday School movement during the latter part of the 19th Century.  Eliza wrote her songs with the goal of reaching and teaching children with the truths of the gospel.  She often attended the Methodist camp ground meetings at Ocean Grove, New Jersey.  It was here that she collaborated with Emily Wilson, wife of a Methodist District Superintendent in Philadelphia, in the writing of this popular gospel hymn.    

Allow your imagination to anticipate that day in heaven when the entire family of God is gathered with all of the saints for an endless celebration of praise.  Allow this glorious hope to brighten your day and to keep you “true, faithful, trusting, serving...”  Our services even now should be a foretaste of that day of rejoicing when those from every tribe, language, people, and nation see our Lord and together “we’ll sing and shout the victory.”    


Worship Arts Notes


Worship Arts Notes