From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

Step In the Water!

(This is a paraphrase of an article written by Rev. John Ed Mathison years ago)

One of the most awe-inspiring stories in human history is captured in the Book of Exodus. It reveals the reality of people in bondage, the qualities of leadership needed to guide them out, the reluctance of individuals to have faith and follow, the command from God to always move forward, and the incredible power of God to lead people through seemingly impossible situations...

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

The Hopeful Place in Life

I am a pastor. My life is intimately wed to the church. So maybe my views are a bit skewed, but I believe the church is a place of hope in an often-hopeless world.  Over the past 34 years, I have seen...

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

On March 12, 2012, I had one of the greatest privileges in my ministry. I had the honor of baptizing Mr. William Wyatt Hammond and his daughter, Vicki Jones…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

The mission of our church has been set. It clearly articulates the church's mission as we go out making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our Mission statement is: 

To Seek, Serve, and Share our Savior Jesus Christ

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

Hey, Why Do We Do That?

These are Questions and Answers about Christian liturgy and practice.

(If you want to submit a question, I'll do my best to answer it!)…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

As We Prepare…

I want to thank all of you ahead of time for helping to make this Lenten season a wonderful and meaningful one. Many of you have said you are ready for the services and have graciously offered to help in any way you can…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

Can you sleep while the wind blows?

Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

What a great year it is starting out to be. Can you believe it is already February!!! As I was thinking about the article for this week, I couldn't help but reflect on the countless positive affirmations and acts of service that I have witnessed from so many of you…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

The Real Presence of Christ

Communion, one of the two Sacraments we, as Global Methodists, recognize, holds a unique role in our faith. It is not just a ritual but a spiritual nourishment for everyone who comes as a repentant sinner seeking to live a life called by Christ. It enriches us as we are fed as we go out to minister, nourishing our whole being. This unique role is why it is the one    sacrament meant to be received daily or as often as possible. Without it, one petition in the Lord’s Prayer- 'Give us this day our daily bread' lacks the fullness of its meaning…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

The Apostle Paul is one of the most notable people in the whole Bible. Paul, formerly Saul, was also a major enemy of the early Church. He had a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. After Paul’s conversion, he became the leader in expanding the church's mission. How in the world can you go from enemy to leader in such a short time?…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

This Sunday, January 19, 2025, Dr. Karl Stegall will be our guest preacher. Dr. Stegall is a prominent figure within our Montgomery community and our Global Methodist Church.

Dr. Karl Stegall was a legend within the Alabama Methodist Church hierarchy. He was one of the best-known and most loved Methodist ministers to serve in Alabama over the past 50 years. Stegall distinguished himself at four separate Methodist churches in Alabama. He culminated his ministerial career as pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Montgomery, where he served as senior minister for 24 years.

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

Eighty-nine years ago, Dr. James Allen Francis summarized the impact of Jesus’ life with a story that has since become known by the title One Solitary Life. Dr. Francis’ summary of Jesus’ life has been shared countless times through the years. I hope that you’ll take a moment to read it, reflect on its message, and share it with others during this New Year…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

Matthew 18:20, “For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” 

Every Christmas Eve since before I was born, my family (all my aunts, uncles, and cousins) gathered to celebrate Christmas. We eat, laugh, and tell stories. All the kids love to hear of our family's Christmases past and all the good times we had during the holiday seasons. Love truly abounds in our home. Even though everyone always gathered at my parents’ home, either Momma or Daddy and I would slip out to attend Church for Communion each year. It was our way of taking time from our busy night to celebrate the special eve before Christ’s birth.…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

From the Pastor’s Desk…

R.A.C.K.-ing Up 

We all have holiday memories, good or bad, funny or heartbreaking, despairing or inspiring. Among my many memories are shopping and running errands with my grandmother during Christmas. I may have grumbled about it then, yet now they are some of my most treasured moments.…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

From the Pastor’s Desk…

The season is upon us, a time that brings joy and excitement to our hearts. Some will start to think of all the gifts to buy and the items they want for Christmas. Others will be making plans for parties or plans to head home for a visit…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

From the Pastor’s Desk…

Jeremiah 33:14-16 14"'The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. 15"'In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just and right in the land. 16In those days, Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior.' …

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

From the Pastor’s Desk…

The following article is from the newsletter I read several years ago. I pray it speaks to your heart as it has stayed with me over these years. “Secrets to Happiness”

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

1 Thessalonians 5:16-19: 

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit.”

What a magnificent, eventful few months we have had. If anyone ever says life in Montgomery is dull, invite them to join our vibrant Christ Methodist Church community. We are experiencing genuine, extraordinary excitement, and it's all because of the wonderful people like you who make up our church's life…

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From The Pastor’s Desk
Misty Barrett Misty Barrett

From The Pastor’s Desk

As we are moving towards November, I encourage you to begin preparing to make your commitments to the church in several different ways for the next year. It is so exciting to see how we bring ourselves to God in such diverse and unique ways...

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