Worship Arts Notes
“When Jesus came to Jordan” is appropriate for the First Sunday after Epiphany, designated as the Baptism of the Lord, for services of Baptismal Covenant, and reaffirmation of baptism. Each of the four gospels mention Christ’s baptism (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; and John 1:29-34). However, this hymn is not a descriptive retelling of the biblical narrative. The first two lines of the opening stanza allude to the event of the baptism of Jesus, along with a fleeting reference of the descending dove in stanza 2. The remainder of the hymn is theological reflection on the significance of Christ’s baptism – an event signifying the beginning of Christ’s ministry.
Stanza 1 focuses on Christ’s mission to “share repentance” (Matthew 4:17) and “speak . . . good news” (I Corinthians 15:1). In stanza 2, Christ “share[d] temptation” (Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 4:14-16) with us and died on the cross for us. The descending dove was a sign that “the hidden years had ended, / [and] the age of grace began.”
Stanza 3 invokes the Holy Spirit – “Come, Holy Spirit” – to help us “keep the vows we make” (John 14:16) so that we might break the “bondage” that restrains us (Romans 8:15). The hymn concludes by pointing toward the Resurrection and then Pentecost – the fulfillment of Christ’s ministry.
Begin the New Year with a song in your heart! Our Adult Ensemble and Chancel Choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:30 and 7:00. Everyone is welcome!
Rev. Steve Badskey